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Category: STO

..something in red

Space is vast. Impossibly vast. With shades in every flavor of the rainbow.

The Errant Song had been patrolling nebulae in search of probable colony sites when we happened into system. Without a pressing schedule it was an opportune time to indulge in deep-system scans to further our research goals.

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USS Telesto

Following several months at drydock my chief engineer has confirmed the reconfigured warp nacelles are performing according to simulations.

Featuring a reduced profile enabling a streamlined shield configuration and improved maximum warp in slipstream.

Multi-mission pod enabling rapid reconfiguration to the task at hand, Quantum torpedo launcher and numerous phaser arrays making her a force to be reckoned with.

I allocated all crew and mission materials from Errant Song. She was a good home but now is destined for drydock while I continue operations in the Telesto. All hands accounted for, we completed the first of our initial readiness tests earlier today. Our second should happen later tonight or tomorrow where I’m certain we’ll pass with flying colours.

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USS Telesto

From one ship to another, one game to another. It’s been an interesting week. Soon I go into Elder Scrolls Online for a while but before then some Star Trek Online.

My current ship, a Fleet Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit, is probably among my favorite. It’s got nacelles, a big saucer. I dwarf some other ships in the game even though I’m not very big. Certainly nothing compared to the Universe-class Enterprise J they featured at one time.

Nothing is bigger than that thing. In fact, the question of if it fits into some of the missions came up. At the time of release it was (and I think still is) biggest ship in the game.

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