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Been a while, right?

I’ve played a prodigious amount of Minecraft in the last month or so.  Coupled with a heat wave that made my computer unbearable I have little to talk about.

I considered delving into rocketry again.  Something a coworker said reminded me of Estes Rockets and now that I have money and time I thought I could get back into the hobby.  Sadly, I don’t have space to do the kind of construction it requires nor the venue to launch and recover from.  It’s on my to-do list, but something that will take more than 5 minutes Amazon research to work out.

A friend of mine is playing FFXIV and it’s new expansion as well as Witcher 3.  Such that I haven’t seen him in a few weeks so I’m assuming they’re quite good.  I watched him stream Witcher one night, it’s very pretty and appears very well done.

I picked up a new phone and Puzzles and Dragons again for some mobile entertainment.  Taking a break from reading my book in the morning meant finding something else to fill the time.  I like the mix of Pokemon and Bejeweled, certainly gives me something to enjoy on the commute.